To assist the Planet’s return to harmony and balance through ethical technologies. 

What are Tesla’s? 

Tesla’s is the name now used to refer to special metal plates that have been treated with a technology developed by ‘Nikola Tesla’ (the man who is known as the inventor of the 20th century).

Everything has a relation to what Tesla called spin rates or frequency: electrons, cells, organs, humans, the Earth, Planets, Solar systems, Galaxies etc. Spin rates determine the quality of life.

Tesla recognized the harmful effects that man-made electromagnetic fields, EMF and radiations EMR disturb these oscillations and can affect your health.

Man made electromagnetic fields, EMF, and radiations, EMR, disturb these oscillations, disturbing frequencies which can have a negative affect on your health.

Tesla’s technology is designed to balance spin rates.

Tesla’s Innovational Technologies is a direct descendant from Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) *Ralph Bergstresser (1912-1998). We have collectively been in development of this technology for 100 years.

Tesla’s Innovational Technologies has been around for decades helping electromagnetically sensitive people live and work comfortably with the electrical environment we now live with.

Tesla’s Innovational Technologies was involved in the largest donation to the survivors of the radiation disaster at Fukushima 2011, they supplied Tesla’s Plates and Pendants.
Watch the following video to find out more about Tesla, Tesla’s Innovational Technology and the damaging effects of electromagnetic fields.

I am a Phosology Consultant and can assist you with choosing and purchasing Tesla’s for your home and personal use. 

Technology and Health

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified cellphones as a Group 2B “possible carcinogen” based on the evidence available in 2011.

Since then, the evidence of harm has grown significantly:

Several major studies have been published showing cellphone radiation causes DNA damage and increases your risk of cancer and other health problems;
Researchers are urging the IARC to upgrade its carcinogenicity classification for cellphones from a “possible” to a “probable” human carcinogen based on newer evidence;

For the past 25 years, the telecommunications industry has led an orchestrated PR campaign aimed at misleading consumers, journalists and policymakers about the science of cellphone radiation.

Of 326 cellphone safety studies, 56 percent found a biological effect from cellphone radiation while 44 percent did not.

When funding was analyzed, it was discovered that 67 percent of the independently funded studies found a biological effect, compared to just 28 percent of the industry-funded studies. This funding bias creates a perceived lack of scientific consensus. 

Source: Dr Mercola