Computer Plate



Computer Plate

Developed to work specifically with computer screens and other uses.

With the introduction of the Smart Meter for recording electricity usage, many people are experiencing health issues due to the frequencies involved with these meters. We have found that placing a Computer Plate on top of the meter together with an Electron Stabiliser attached to an electrical cord in the house/garage that there is a considerable change felt by those sensitive beings who feel all this frequency activity.

70mm x 70mm x 1.0mm thick. Field of influence approx 1 metre.

The proprietary energy matrix involved with these plates and the harmonics of their shape has helped produce this custom built device. Many computer operators often complain about eyestrain and fatigue after extended time working at their computer.

After the vibrational signature of the metal has been varied, it acts as a transceiver of specific photons (light energy). This product is then able to help negate some of the adverse biological effects of man-made EMFs associated with computer screens.

Reported uses from customers when using the computer plate:

  1. Some eye-strain relief from computer screen
  2. May improve the taste of water
  3. Helps alter the stress coming from WiFi or other gaming devices
  4. May assist with pain relief


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