Discover geopathic stress in your home or business.


Kinesidowse is my own unique method where I combine my dowsing and kinesiology skills to provide a service like no other. 

What is dowsing? 

Dowsing or Diving has been a tool for accessing or locating items, such as underground water veins, gems, metals and lost items to name a few without the use of scientific apparatus.

With the use of metal rods, the focus is on what it is that you are looking for. Intent is very important. Equally it is necessary to be clear with your energy, not be compromised by others forces such as negativity, ego etc.

The rods are usually made out of a metal, as in a coat hanger or my favorite, bronze welding rod.

Hold the rods in your hands lightly, making sure they are still and pointing forward. Keep your hands about 15 cm apart. Your thought is about finding the object. Move slowly forward and when the rods cross over each other, that is where the object is.

This takes some practice. Like anything, practice makes perfect.

I personally use the rods when I am dowsing homes and businesses for Geopathic stress. I am looking for such things as underground water, ley lines, vortexes and much more.

I also use the rods to measure people’s auric fields when testing Tesla personal pendants and phone tags. It gives them an experiential and visual perspective to the efficiency of these products.

Using Dowsing Rods originated in ancient times and has been tested, misunderstood and criticized by many since then. Most of this criticism can be related to a lack of understanding about the users energy and its polarity plus what movement in the rods is actually telling us.

Using Dowsing Rods is an intuitional science and can be learned. Dowsing is an extension of one’s natural, feeling and intuitive perceptions. Possibly most famous as being used to find water but as many have found you can search for things, even the answer to questions.


Dowsing Cheryl Auckett Kinesidowse