I work with you to discover your own innate ability to heal, become aware of your blocks and shift whatever is holding you back. Return to a state of harmony and balance within mind, body and soul. 

Let me help you awaken your own innate healing abilities. 

With over 30 years experience working with holistic modalities, my own intuitive skills and a genuine desire to help people, it is my pleasure to hold space for you in healing sessions.

I am a kinesiologist and transpersonal therapist, working energetically on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

I work with the client either in person or absently.

I use many modalities in a session. This may include any of the above therapies.  I am able to tune into the Higher Self aspect of the person to see what needs to be cleared in the kinesiology session. This also includes raising the persons frequencies if necessary.

The session of kinesiology covers the areas of psychic attachments and clearing negative energies, muscle balancing, upgrading their hydration formats, what the body requires for good health and wellbeing such as Supplements, food requirements, sensitivities etc. These sessions balance the mind body and soul.

I dowse people and houses for Geopathic and electro stress and correcting any problems that arise with Tesla’s Innovational Technologies. The client will draw a mud map of their house and send to me for dowsing in which I will send back to them with a report.

These sessions can be held in person or remotely.

I like to combine my skills with mainstream and holistic practices, as I was a nurse for many years before learning other healing techniques. 

Originally from W.A. I’m now living on the Gold Coast in Queensland. I Have 2 children and 2 grandsons. I have been a holistic therapist for over 30yrs in many different modalities.

Here are my qualifications and teachings:

  • Kinesiologist
  • Instructor of TFH (Touch For Health), Kinesidowse, Eat Right Live Right, Healthy Pets and Kinesiology For Kids
  • Diploma clinical nutrition consultant  HH. Dip. CNC.
  • Diploma Master Herbalist  HH. Prac.(M. herb)
  • Reiki, Seichim, Seikem and Parasakti master
  • Universal Healing (Kwan Yin)
  • Reflexology
  • Past Life Regression
  • TFT and EFT
  • Theta Healing
  • Kinergetics Trainer 1 & 2
  • Counselling Kinesiology
  • Inner Child Healing and Programming

  • Transpersonal Therapy Through Creativity

  • Dowsing for EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) and geopathic stress in the home and office

  • Tesla’s Innovational Technologies consultant.

I believe that all these skills combine to make a practice that covers all levels of the balancing techniques.

As an Intuitive, I can tune into the higher self to see if there are any blocks or attachments that need attention, to be cleared and healed.

In the majority of people the Inner Child is in need of balancing along with any sub personalities and attachments that can form as a protective mechanism.

Unfortunately these attachments can be debilitating for us and suppress the authentic self, which in turn keeps our energy vibration lower. This leaves us feeling not at our best. We could feel down, apathetic, depressed; no direction and can downright feel exhausted.

By looking at these issues and balancing them, I can bring the system back into harmony.

Adjusting the vibration and resonance of the person through the higher self is part of my process that results in amazing transformations. 

"I have known Cheryl Auckett for 25 years, both in the capacity as a practitioner, trainer facilitator and friend. Cheryl has many modalities, as well as a medical background and combines these uniquely in a holistic way to treat her clients. Over the years, I have used her for many ailments and imbalances for my physical and wellbeing. Cheryl has been my go-to person. I have no hesitation in recommending Cheryl’s services to anyone wishing to embrace a holistic approach to healing and wellbeing." ~ Sandra

Book a session and let’s get started!