Holistic healing is the inclusion of mind body and soul.

 Holistic Healing is the inclusion of mind body and soul.  These include the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies of the person. All issues, blocks, phobias and illness are held somewhere in these energy centres.

We are not just our body; we have many levels and dimensions to us in this physical world.  Ultimately we are a soul and spirit that is having a physical experience in this third density level called Earth.

Most holistic practise is based on eastern traditions of therapies, which include the “meridians”, (the energy pathways of the body) and “chakras”, (energy centres in the body that are likened to spinning wheels in Sanskrit.  

Each of these energy centres are related to organs, glands, the aura  and all the systems of the body.

When we practise a holistic approach to the person, we can balance the body systems with many types of modalities to correct the imbalance.

Holistic practise can be an integrative therapy as an adjunct to western medicine. We cannot say that we can heal anyone, but we can assist to find the cause of the problems and balance it energetically.

The physical body is the last to receive illness and problems. Any issue with health starts with a thought and emotion, which in turn starts in the outer energy fields of the aura, then filters down to the physical body over months.

Thought Field Therapy

TFT has been a modality since the 1980s and was created by Roger Callahan, an American psychologist. He views distress as being encoded into the body’s energy systems rather than a function and mental process.

It can be seen as a form of psychotherapy and by tapping certain places on the body and the appropriate algorithms sequence that relates to meridians, will take the charge out of the condition or emotions trapped in the body.

It is useful for, blocks, phobias, emotional stress, PTSD, addictions etc.

Emotional Freedom Technique


EFT was created by Gary Craig in the 1990s. It is similar to TFT but does not use certain algorithms but has certain tapping points on the body with a verbal dialogue to correct the issue whilst tapping.

All tapping techniques are a great method for diffusing issues held within the body systems.

The Mace Method

This method was created by John H Mace. He has a PHD from his research into this unique method of psychotherapy. This therapy is based on the premise that a thought is always supported by an image. For example: “Don’t think of a pink elephant”, our mind will envision a pink elephant.

So this method is a mind technique based on a visual field to correct the emotional issue.
This is not a tapping technique but it is very powerful.

It can be seen as a form of psychotherapy and by tapping certain places on the body and the appropriate algorithms sequence that relates to meridians, will take the charge out of the condition or emotions trapped in the body.

It is useful for, blocks, phobias, emotional stress, PTSD, addictions etc.

Inner Child Healing

Inner child healing is in my belief, is the best way of healing programs that are unconscious in nature and that we all run from the age around 7 years old, give or take.

We take on programs as a child, whether these are outright abuse or that it is something as simple as mother or care giver busy and stressed and the child may want her attention, maybe showing her a picture they drew. Mother could say “not now, I don’t have time”, something that is simple to an adult because of where they are in their mind at the time and stressed, does not see that the child is hurt by that.

If it happens often, the child could take on a program such as:

I am not being heard, I am not good enough, I am not loved, I am not being validated etc.. There are many unconscious programs that we run in our lifetimes. Often there are at least 3 stories that we run.

There are many aspects to the inner child. These inner child aspects can manifest as, the wounded child, the orphaned child, the magical child, the needy child and more.

Until we become aware of our unconscious programs, we will attract to us the people and or the situations, to show us our false beliefs about ourselves.

These inner programs from the inner child aspects are held within our energy fields and project outwards through our magnetic auric fields like an antenna, unconsciously saying to the world, for example, I am not good enough, and then at the right time, the place or person will be attracted to us to show us what we are putting out about ourselves. 

These programs are also connected specifically to either a parent, a caregiver, teacher or anyone in authority, or friends, that has caused a negative belief about themselves and are taken on at an age of the relevant incident occurred.

We also have many sub personalities and archetypes that are products of these inner child programs.  We have such personalities like: The protector, the judge, the critic, the loner, the bully etc.

These aspects of the inner child have been created to help the child deal with situations in their lives. Some children have been so traumatised that they have split off parts to themselves. So these parts are to help them to cope with life.  If the trauma has been so violent to the child, if the child does not have some “split off “from  themselves, they would not have been able to continue their life. Hence, the sub personalities are brought in to cover or protect. Unfortunately, they will often take over their role and become dominate in the person’s life and will cause all sorts of blocks and problems throughout their life.

So accessing the inner child for healing is in my experience, the best method for healing.