5G Small Oyster Plate



5G Small Oyster Plate

Made of two fourteen sided plates specially produced, influences an area of about ¾ of a hectare (1¼ acres) was initially designed for multi story buildings where it will cover 12 floors (6 above and 6 below the positioned oyster).

The Small Oyster has now become widely used in single/double level homes due to the increase in high frequency/high communication areas. Due to this increase we at Energy Health & Harmony, now very rarely sell the single 8 or 14 sided House Plates as they are just not adequately dealing with the chaos. Therefore most orders are Small Oyster House Plates.

The Small Oyster House Plate produces a specific energy which alters the frequencies from: Mobile Phone Towers, Satellites, WiFi, Radar and High Voltage power lines, rendering them biologically compatible. In the process of doing this, plant and animal life are also energised.

Placed in a work place environment, together with the Electron Stabiliser, the workers are calmer and less stressed.


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