Car Travel Plate


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Car Travel Plate

The Car Travel  Plate was developed to alter the EMF in the car and in time it has been found that carrying on an aero plane in carry on luggage reduces the effect of jet lag as it assists in coping with the radiation created during the flight.

Because this plate deals with EMF in the car, it is important that it be used in the Hybrid cars as there are large amounts of frequencies to cope with because of the battery energy that the car runs on.  This energy affects many drivers, draining their energy and creating severe tiredness.

Placing the Car Travel Plate in the car has been known to ease tiredness significantly.
90mm x 1.5mm thick

With all the added electronic devices now standard in new cars, added stress has been placed on our human electrical system and may be the contributing factor to the increase in “road rage” and fatigue levels (RACV 1999). With the Car Travel Plate positioned in a vehicle, driver’s and passengers may find they feel calmer with diminished fatigue.

​Many owners of the car travel plate have reported at least 10% fuel saving per tank plus their tyres last longer than normal.


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