How Tesla’s Personal Pendants Work

The Tesla’s Personal Pendants may have the effect of strengthening the wearer’s energy field, thus may help to adjust the bio-energy effects of some man-made EMF/EMR. The process may educate the body to resist the chaotic manmade frequencies which the body otherwise has great difficulty dealing with.

Specifically designed to be worn over the thymus with concave side facing the body (the dome side facing out from the body) and so comes with an adjustable waxed cotton cord so it is able to be worn around the neck.

Once the pendant has been worn for 12 hours consecutively it will have formed a connection with your energy, it cannot be worn by anyone else and cannot be shared. This is why it is named a Personal Pendant.

During the proprietary manufacturing process the vibrational signature of the metal (Titanium) has been varied so that it acts as  a transceiver of specific photons (packets of light/energy).

This product then may have the effect of strengthening the wearer’s energy field, thus may help to adjust the bio-energy effects of some man-made EMF/EMR. The process may educate the body to resist the chaotic manmade frequencies which the body otherwise has great difficulty dealing with. It converts these frequencies to a coherent signal which the body can accept. This process is similar to an antidote, which transforms a poison to neutral and educates the body to resist the poison next time.

When choosing a pendant, first decide on the shape then select the colour you prefer in this shape. Another word on the choosing of shapes and colours of your new personal pendant, the colours you see for the basic four shapes are there to choose as colours of those shapes.

Should you prefer not to use the cord which comes with the pendant, it is possible to wear a metal chain eg, gold, silver, etc., however, please order a specially treated titanium link from us. This is necessary to put this link through the hole in the pendant to avoid an energy change, this will occur if any other metal is put through the hole.

The Pendant adapts to the wearer’s personal matrix, thus the wearer’s, energy field may become stronger and more balanced.

​The Pendant may help the wearer cope with their Electro Magnetic environment.

We do not claim these products as therapeutic (disease curing) and ask that no comparison be made when purchasing these products.

Designed to be worn around the neck over the Thymus.

Testing has been done on a variety of people after they have worn the Personal Pendant in the correct position for 24 hours.

These results have been observed on biofeedback equipment including: EEG showing brain wave activity, Micro Capillary Microscope showing blood flow and Acutec Ridoraqu & Prognos computer programs which test via the meridian system.

The Pendant adapts to the wearer’s personal matrix, thus the wearer’s, energy field may become stronger and more balanced. The Pendant may help the wearer cope with their EM environment. The Pendant may also increase activity in the lower brain frequencies as usually happens in deep meditation.

This Aura photo shows the light emitting from the Pendant while being worn
(not detected by the naked eye).

NOTE: According to Eastern European Doctors who use this equipment for diagnosis in Eastern European military hospitals, gaps in the energy field can reflect low energy in corresponding areas of the body.

If you prefer to wear the pendant on a metal chain, then it is necessary to ask for a special titanium link to place ​through the hole.

Any other metal link will alter the pendant energy and is not advisable for ultimate results.

We will provide a link free of charge if asked for in the initial order and at a later date the cost is $5 for two links free postage.

All surfboard pendants, adult and teen, should never be separated and worn by others as they are treated specifically in these formations to provide the effectiveness they are designed for.

Shop Personal Pendants.
Shop Pet Pendants.

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